Botox for Sweating: Does it Work?

Botox for Sweating: Does it Work?

Botox, the brand name for botulinum toxin, is an injectable medication that’s most well-known for its wrinkle-smoothing power. But it’s also great at stopping armpit sweat. It decreases underarm moisture by 82% to 87%. Dryness typically lasts between three to 12 months.

Body odor decreases, too. The funky smell from sweaty pits is made by bacteria that thrive in warm, moist places. Eliminate the moisture and the odor goes away as well.

But getting underarm Botox doesn’t mean you’re completely off the hook when it comes to wearing deodorant or antiperspirant, says Dr. Yu. “The goal of Botox injections is to reduce profuse sweating to a normal or slightly less-than-normal amount. Most people still have a little bit of sweating and may find they need deodorant or antiperspirant. But it varies from person to person.”

Botox is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the underarms. Doctors also use it for other abnormally sweaty areas of the body.